Browse Items (156 total)

In the DFRDB Scheme your contributions are paid into Consolidated Revenue -that is they are paid to the Commonwealth. Similarly, all benefits are paid from Consolidated Revenue. For the MSBS, only the employer component is paid from Consolidated…

The Next Step is to inform you of what will happen between now and the day you will need to make a decision about transferring from the DFRDB Scheme to the MSBS.

This is an abridged copy of an email that was sent to the Minister for Veteran’s Affairs, the Shadow Minister and the Veteran’s Network in general, dated 26 March 2013

Time for parliament to honour its commitment

IMF Fire Wall Fund - The Plight Of Military and Commonwealth Retirees.pdf
Questions immediately arise as to how the Government or the Parliament for that matter, could apparently find up to $US15Billion of which $US7Billion has now been deposited into the IMF’s “Firewall Fund”; a fund designed to prop up the European…

Thorntons Response to the May 2011 Senate Report - General Release Document.pdf
This document is a general release document containing information that formed a formal response to the Senate Legislation Committee for Finance and Administration regarding their May 2011 Senate Report and a number of Departmental submissions.…

When will Tony Abbott commit to fair indexation for Military Superannuation

Useful link list for veteran services and ESOs

Stop the erosion of military retirement and disability benefits

Military superannuation payment and disability pensions must be restored to promised levels