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ACPERS SIGNAL 438-95 - May 1995.pdf
Signal HQADF SIC WAS ACPERS439/95 of 180725Z May 95

Form used by ADF members to elect to change from, or remain in DFRDB

In the DFRDB Scheme your contributions are paid into Consolidated Revenue -that is they are paid to the Commonwealth. Similarly, all benefits are paid from Consolidated Revenue. For the MSBS, only the employer component is paid from Consolidated…

The Superannuation Fund Investment Trust was established in 1976 to manage the fund?? of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme. Our role has been to manage and invest the moneys of the Commonwealth Superannuation Fund which comprises the…

The retention benefit is a lump sum in-service payment which will be offered to you if you are a member of the MSBS who has served in the Defence Force for more than 15 and less than 20 years and who has reached the rank of Sergeant (E), Major (E) or…

This leaflet raises a number of issues which you may need to think about in deciding whether DFRDB or MSBS is better for you. It is not intended to provide a detailed guide to the benefits in the DFRDB Scheme and the MSBS. An overview and comparison…

ADF members must maintain a high standard of fitness. Many servicemen and women have to retire from the ADF as invalids even though they are not permanently disabled. Most are able to find new jobs as civilians. The aim of the MSBS is to give…

When you contribute to the MSBS you are not only providing a superannuation benefit for your retirement, but also an insurance benefit for your dependants or estate in the event of your death. In the MSBS, spouses, children and orphans are regarded…

This leaflet tells you about some of the important features of the MSBS.

While the majority of benefits for single and married members are identical in the DFRDB Scheme and MSBS, death benefits do differ. This leaflet provides information on death benefits which may be of interest to you if you do not have a spouse or any…