Browse Items (156 total)

280 Update August - 2013.pdf
An e-letter produced by the Defence Force Welfare Association to inform the Service and ex-Service communities of those current issues that are of most concern to them. Distribution is intended to a wide audience that includes Members of Parliament,…

An e-letter produced by the Defence Force Welfare Association to inform the Service and ex-Service communities of those current issues that are of most concern to them. Distribution is intended to a wide audience that includes Members of Parliament,…

283 Update - April 2014.pdf
An e-letter produced by the Defence Force Welfare Association to inform the Service and ex-Service communities of those current issues that are of most concern to them. Distribution is intended to a wide audience that includes Members of Parliament,…

284 Update - August 2014.pdf
An e-letter produced by the Defence Force Welfare Association to inform the Service and ex-Service communities of those current issues that are of most concern to them. Distribution is intended to a wide audience that includes Members of Parliament,…

286 Update - January February 2015.pdf
An e-letter produced by the Defence Force Welfare Association to inform the Service and ex-Service communities of those current issues that are of most concern to them. Distribution is intended to a wide audience that includes Members of Parliament,…

#11 - How to Value a Benefit.pdf
This leaflet is intended to help you evaluate the information you will receive in your personal information statement and the estimates produced by the computer benefit forecaster (known as 'FRED')

#20 - MSBS RBLs.pdf
This pamphlet is intended to provide a quick introduction to Reasonable Benefits Limits. The full details are fairly complex, so this introduction can be no more than a general guide. If your total superannuation benefits come from MSBS, it is…

#3 - MSBS Q and A.pdf
In this leaflet, some of the most commonly asked questions about the MSBS are answered.

#7 - MSBS_DFRDB Changes.pdf
Outlines changes to the DFRDB scheme on the introduction of MSBS

1991 CDF Letter.pdf
Letter re staying in the DFRDB scheme or transferring to the MSBS