Browse Items (156 total)

1507 NSW Newsletter Jul 2015.pdf
NSW Branch Newsletter 'Natter' of July 2015

1407 NSW Newsletter July 2014.pdf
NSW Branch Newsletter 'Natter' of July 2014

NSW Natter Jul13.pdf
NSW Branch Newsletter 'Natter' of July 2013

#3 - MSBS Q and A.pdf
In this leaflet, some of the most commonly asked questions about the MSBS are answered.

This leaflet tells you about some of the important features of the MSBS.

milsuperbook June 2011.pdf
A summary of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme

ACPERS SIGNAL 438-95 - May 1995.pdf
Signal HQADF SIC WAS ACPERS439/95 of 180725Z May 95

This leaflet raises a number of issues which you may need to think about in deciding whether DFRDB or MSBS is better for you. It is not intended to provide a detailed guide to the benefits in the DFRDB Scheme and the MSBS. An overview and comparison…

Letter to the Editor - Mr. Daryl Dixons Articl_Redacted.pdf
I refer to Mr. Daryl Dixon’s article in the PS Informant (3rd April 2012, pg 28), where he provides commentary (not least) on the Future Fund and Commonwealth superannuation liabilities.