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Thornton Research Paper - 12 Sep 2012_Redacted.pdf
As readers may or may not be aware, on the 22nd of August 2012 a debate ensued in the Lower House about issues surrounding the ‘Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 ‘. As you or may not know, the Opposition introduced, for consideration,…

Letter to the Editor - Mr. Daryl Dixons Articl_Redacted.pdf
I refer to Mr. Daryl Dixon’s article in the PS Informant (3rd April 2012, pg 28), where he provides commentary (not least) on the Future Fund and Commonwealth superannuation liabilities.

Errors in Parliamentary Reporting and FOI Data_Redacted.pdf
As most of you are aware the plight of indexation reform for Military and Commonwealth retirees remains unfinished business and I / we hope that 2012 will see a turning point for the better on this front. It is on this basis that I am now writing to…

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IMF Fire Wall Fund - The Plight Of Military and Commonwealth Retirees.pdf
Questions immediately arise as to how the Government or the Parliament for that matter, could apparently find up to $US15Billion of which $US7Billion has now been deposited into the IMF’s “Firewall Fund”; a fund designed to prop up the European…

The Superannuation Fund Investment Trust was established in 1976 to manage the fund?? of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme. Our role has been to manage and invest the moneys of the Commonwealth Superannuation Fund which comprises the…

This leaflet is a guide to the taxation provisions that apply to the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (DFRDB) scheme. In the event of any discrepancy between this leaflet and the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Act, 1973, or…