Browse Items (156 total)

Australia Day is an ideal time to recognise the contribution of the ADF

Form used by ADF members to elect to change from, or remain in DFRDB

Accounting for a super mystery_4.pdf
We’ve all heard that the Australian Public Service’s superannuation schemes are generous, and a look at the budget papers would seem to confirm this, revealing that the Government is spending $14.1 billion on this entitlement. Put another way, public…


1991 CDF Letter.pdf
Letter re staying in the DFRDB scheme or transferring to the MSBS

The Superannuation Fund Investment Trust was established in 1976 to manage the fund?? of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme. Our role has been to manage and invest the moneys of the Commonwealth Superannuation Fund which comprises the…

Thorntons Net Cost Analysis.pdf
This brief discussion paper attempts to fill the void left by the Matthews’ Review in analyzing the true “net cost” of improved indexation for Commonwealth and Military Superannuation. The analysis is embryonic in nature but provides a plausible…