Browse Items (156 total)

Dental Review - Discussion Paper - ESO and Client.pdf
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) funds a broad range of dental treatment to clients (eligible veterans and their dependants) through the DVA dental program. The dental program forms part of a broader suite of healthcare programs funded by…

Accounting for a super mystery_4.pdf
We’ve all heard that the Australian Public Service’s superannuation schemes are generous, and a look at the budget papers would seem to confirm this, revealing that the Government is spending $14.1 billion on this entitlement. Put another way, public…


milsuperbook June 2011.pdf
A summary of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme

1991 CDF Letter.pdf
Letter re staying in the DFRDB scheme or transferring to the MSBS

Productivity Commission 2019, A Better Way to Support Veterans, Report no. 93, Canberra.

Form used by ADF members to elect to change from, or remain in DFRDB