Browse Items (156 total)

In June 1986, as part of a National Wage Case, the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission allowed employers and unions to negotiate superannuation arrangements costing no more than 3 % of wages. These arrangements are generally referred to as 3 …

The Next Step is to inform you of what will happen between now and the day you will need to make a decision about transferring from the DFRDB Scheme to the MSBS.

Minister letter Aug 1990.pdf.pdf
Introduction of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme (MSBS)

This is an abridged copy of an email that was sent to the Minister for Veteran’s Affairs, the Shadow Minister and the Veteran’s Network in general, dated 26 March 2013

Thorntons Response to the May 2011 Senate Report - General Release Document.pdf
This document is a general release document containing information that formed a formal response to the Senate Legislation Committee for Finance and Administration regarding their May 2011 Senate Report and a number of Departmental submissions.…

Thorntons Net Cost Analysis.pdf
This brief discussion paper attempts to fill the void left by the Matthews’ Review in analyzing the true “net cost” of improved indexation for Commonwealth and Military Superannuation. The analysis is embryonic in nature but provides a plausible…

Thornton Senate Submission - Amendment - Super Governance Arrangements_Redacted.pdf
Submission by Peter Thornton to the Senate Standing Committee of Finance and Public Administration - The Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Bill 2010

Thornton Response to The Future Fund and Eureka Report Article - 16 FEB 2012_Redacted.pdf
I recently received an unsolicited copy of an article from the Eureka Report covering aspects of the Future Fund s operations and performance since its inception. With
your indulgence, I would like to provide a belated response and critique to not…

Thornton response to Mathews Report - dated 4 September 2009_Redacted.pdf
As one of the individual respondents who made a submission to the Mathew‟s Review, I must say that I was extremely disappointed by the lack of depth and the superficial analysis presented in the Matthews Report (to be referred to forthwith as „The…
